Steve Rozenberg

Steve Rozenberg photo

Realtor, Property Management

Houston, TX

Steve Rozenberg is an entrepreneur, international commercial airline pilot flying the famous Dreamliner 787, real estate investor, CEO, business strategist, international speaker and a leading expert in real estate investing. His company Empire Industries is considered one of the top residential property management companies in the United States, providing frustration free property management by investors for investors.

Steve is a full time commercial airline pilot flying the Dreamliner 787 and the CEO and co-founder of Empire Industries Property Management and Realty Services based in Houston, TX. Empire was started in 2012 with a mission to approach property management from an investor standpoint. Built on the principals of investing, Empire Industries stresses the importance of having the properties cash flow, while viewing themselves as teammates of their clients working towards a common goal – having their investment produce income.

Steve’s been a key note speaker for numerous organizations and companies across the United States and international cities including Sydney, Brisbane and London, sharing his expertise and methodology in systemization and the importance of having a check list mindset. He has written and published
7 e-books, co-hosts two weekly radio shows “Real Estate Wealth Building” on 1070 AM The Answer and “Wealth Through Real Estate” on Vinyl Draught Radio in Houston. He’s a frequent guest in Dallas on
620 AM KEXB The Experts in Business with Brian Glenn and has been featured across the country and in Australia on multiple real estate investor programs including Flip Nerd, “Best Real Estate Investing Advice Ever” with Joe Fairless and is a frequent speaker for the Lone Star Real Estate Expo in Houston and several motivational and real estate conferences throughout Australia.

Steve Rozenberg University was established in 2013 with its mission to increase investor education and wealth building to others around the world. It has produced over 100 video seminars for its “Owner Education Series” and “Steve Rozenberg On the Road”. Steve is a member of NAPM Houston and Ft. Worth, TX and is a licensed real estate agent.

You can view many of Steve’s videos on or

Steve lives in Houston with his wife and son.